Friday, 27 February 2015

Blue & Black. You won! New photo shows it really IS black and blue

This totally blew my mind yesterday. I really wish I can see blue and black but I can't no matter how much I try. Maybe cause am special. Lol. what if we all see different colors of things everyday and don't realize it?
There's science behind the reason why some people see,black on blue while others are just as certain that they see
gold on white.,The simple answer is that the picture is an optical illusion. Objects reflect light at certain wavelengths, or colors, and the human brain determines the color of an object by taking in its reflected light. But this perception can be thrown off balance by the color of nearby objects. With the photo of the dress, the surrounding colors are sobmuddled that the brain isn't sure what to make of the dress itself. As points out, a digital analysis of the dress photo shows that one of the spots of black trim is actually orange in the photo. Thus, people who perceive the surrounding area as dark are likely to see the blue in the dress as white and the black colors as gold. It all just depends on the manner that the
brain perceives and processes color.
Jay Neitz, a University of of Washington neuroscience tells Wired: 'I’ve studied individual differences in color vision for
30 years, and this is one of the biggest individual differences I’ve ever seen.' He sees gold on white.

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