Monday, 30 March 2015

[WATCH] Justin Bieber Forgets Lyrics To "Love Me Harder" While Performing With Ariana Grande

Aww. Poor Justin forgot the lines to "love me harder" during a surprise duet with Ariana Grande at her March 28 Miami concert.

Biebs completely blanked out and had to make up his own lyrics while he sang The weekend's original part.

After he began improvising, Ariana picked up on his mistake and jumped in to help him out. He later apologised at 4:12.
“So I’m feeling a little bad. I forgot the words, Ariana,” Justin says. “I’ve been trying to memorize them backstage
for like an hour, I feel so bad I’m so sorry. Do you guys forgive me for forgetting the words? I feel terrible. ”

“Nobody heard anything,” Ari assured Justin. “Nobody could hear them, they were screaming so loud, it’s OK, it’s OK.”

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