They claim they've been Badgered, Brutalized and Brain Damaged. Big Russ McCullough, Ryan Sakoda and Luther Reigns' lawsuit says the WWE" under the guise of providing 'entertainment' .... has for decades subjected its wrestlers to extreme physical brutality."
The suit acknowledges wrestling is scripted. It also singles out various moves, including the Brain Buster, Bulldog, Cobra Clutch Slam, Facebreaker, Jawbreaker and Powerslam. It singles out the chair shots to the heat, which was banned in 2010. The suit claims, "The WWE coerces its wrestlers to work
while they are injured by, among other methods, threatening to strip them of their position within the organization if they refuse." It says they are "universally encouraged to 'wrestle through the pain.'" And the lawsuit mentions Chris Benoit, who was "routinely hit in the head with a chair." Benoit, who killed his wife and son along with himself, was autopsied after his death. A doctor concluded Benoit's brain was so damaged from CTE, it "resembled the brain of an 85-year-old Alzheimer's patient." The suit asks for an
injunction, prohibiting the WWE from subjecting its wrestlers to such brutality, along with damages.
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